Our directory pagination is simply clearest, easiest, & fastest to use!
Kenyon Design Group provides exceptional directory layout from cover to cover. We take the utmost care to make sure our directory pagination is the clearest, easiest, and fastest to use. We optimize every detail right down to custom fonts that are specifically made for directory printed on newsprint. Our directories are often copied but rarely duplicated.
AB Testing
Extensive User Testing
Award Winning
Multiple ADP Awards
Essential Elements
Anchors, Telltales, Etc…
Super Accurate
Best-In-Class Proofers
Our fast accurate and highly versatile yellow pages pagination keep your sales force in the field selling where they belong. Our yellow page layout includes both line and display filler, custom styled headings, classification continues (both headers & footers), cross references, easy to read listings, custom telltales & thumb tabs, and anchor resolution that includes use of plain language for easy navigation. We also produce create indexes of your classified headings with cross references to complement your yellow pages. To top it all off our proof readers often find data inconsistencies that save our publishers from customer service adjustments resulting in lost confidence and revenue.
We also develop and maintain clear easy to use front of book sections that include but are not limited to community pages, specialty guides, & government pages. We paginate residential white pages with or without surname suppression and produce clear and concise business white pages that are second to none.
If you have a directory that needs to be published look no further give us a call at (760) 607-9060 or send us a message to see how we can help upgrade your directories, retain advertising dollars, and expand your markets.